Eduard Michalko

Minh-Hoang Nguyen
""Did you write a book of Love and do you have faith in God above?"
As I have mentioned few times before, I come from the town where faith in God is very strong, stronger than faith in ourself. In Slovakia we use to say a phrase “give and let God”. As well as if we help someone, people unusual to ask for money, but they say God will pay it in the future. What is on one side for me very strange to lean all your faith in this strongest mystical person. When I was in the photo lab to develop my negative films and I got this block, at the bottom of the block was in my mother tongue “Ďakujem, zbohom”, which means that I gave them something, help them in their business and God will give me better in the future, I gave and now let God to do His job. I stared at this block and I'm waiting for the magic, but i do not want to wait anymore, cause time is very valuable, I don't want to rely on a everything on that certain propagonist where we live in the faith of this most successful story in human history. I want to have faith in myself. A long time ago, I can still remember how the faith in God used to make smile, now is me, the person I have became that make smile on my face."
""Did you write a book of Love and do you have faith in God above?"
As I have mentioned few times before, I come from the town where faith in God is very strong, stronger than faith in ourself. In Slovakia we use to say a phrase “give and let God”. As well as if we help someone, people unusual to ask for money, but they say God will pay it in the future. What is on one side for me very strange to lean all your faith in this strongest mystical person. When I was in the photo lab to develop my negative films and I got this block, at the bottom of the block was in my mother tongue “Ďakujem, zbohom”, which means that I gave them something, help them in their business and God will give me better in the future, I gave and now let God to do His job. I stared at this block and I'm waiting for the magic, but i do not want to wait anymore, cause time is very valuable, I don't want to rely on a everything on that certain propagonist where we live in the faith of this most successful story in human history. I want to have faith in myself. A long time ago, I can still remember how the faith in God used to make smile, now is me, the person I have became that make smile on my face."
"At first, when I learned that we were to take pictures concerning Faith, the only thing I thought of was religion. I wonder how and when the word Faith becomes so entertwined with doctrines. One day though, when I was pondering what I could do to portray my view of Faith, you know, my usual way, which is critical and sometimes humourous, I told a friend the assignment and she surprised me with her response: “This should be easy for you.” When I asked her to clarify, she said that it should be easy because she thought there has always been an optimistic trust in everything I do. I found her answer interesting and enlightening. After all, faith is not only within religions and other systems of belief. Faith is also in our everyday life, imbued in our visions, coloring our worldviews and guiding our actions. Different people have different faiths in our different individual belief systems. For me, my faith is in the value of the human connections we make along the way. There is just so much I can learn and feel from people as they come in and out of my life, or especially when they decide to stay, that as long as I can keep meeting them, I am happy.
I guess that is part of a reason I started making pictures. The photographs are evidence of a connection, however fleeting. Also, it is exactly thanks to the act of taking pictures, of being a photographer that I get to meet, to talk, to witness the lives around me without being viewed as a creep (lol). Ok, I have to admit that I am a creep sometimes. But still, it’s my optimisim, my belief, my faith that as long as I try my best to be sincere and honest with the people I meet, talk, and photograph, I will continue to be rewarded with their valuable attention, their humanity.
The picture I have chosen for this last assignment directly and indirectly relate to Faith as I have discussed. Firstly, it is a picture I am extremely grateful to have been able to take. It validates my hope for connecting with others through photography, even if the feelings the photographs evoke in me is difficult to describe. Secondly, the child sleeping in his mother’s arms is so peaceful it can only come from a place of trust, of faith."
I guess that is part of a reason I started making pictures. The photographs are evidence of a connection, however fleeting. Also, it is exactly thanks to the act of taking pictures, of being a photographer that I get to meet, to talk, to witness the lives around me without being viewed as a creep (lol). Ok, I have to admit that I am a creep sometimes. But still, it’s my optimisim, my belief, my faith that as long as I try my best to be sincere and honest with the people I meet, talk, and photograph, I will continue to be rewarded with their valuable attention, their humanity.
The picture I have chosen for this last assignment directly and indirectly relate to Faith as I have discussed. Firstly, it is a picture I am extremely grateful to have been able to take. It validates my hope for connecting with others through photography, even if the feelings the photographs evoke in me is difficult to describe. Secondly, the child sleeping in his mother’s arms is so peaceful it can only come from a place of trust, of faith."