Trang Minh Hoang
Trang Minh Hoang
Ana Lucía Fernández
Ana Lucía Fernández
"To me, faith means hope and I always hope that I will never lose faith in myself. To sum up a lot of thoughts about this topic, I will quote here exactly the words I wrote to myself not so long ago: "I lose my hopes in life and there are days they suddenly arise and I hope, again. That's the way they continuously appear and disappear until the day I die." 
Our journey is going to end soon. I believe that we have understood more about our world views throughout this project, through images and through words. Thank you for everything. Although it's just virtual, we're formed a friendship and hopefully we can meet each other in person. Who knows :) ?
Ana Lucia: 
"When I first thought about faith, religion instantly came to mind. I remember all the times I prayed to a unreplying god, I asked for help or forgiveness, and was given nothing. All the crisis I went through at the age of 13, when I became agnostic, because I lost faith in him. 
Then, I started having faith in science. Faith because I trusted how is constantly progressing, nothing is set in stone. I believed in the great potential for good that it has. Faith because I am aware of all the bad things that have come from it yet I hope that one day people will stop hurting eachother and we'll all live in harmony. 
Nowadays I have faith in myself. Life is something precious, something with value and a meaning. Something that disserves to be preserved and taken care of. Anaïs Nin talks about our own potential to change the world by changing ourselves. "Because whatever the individual does for himself and by himself is something that ultimately flies back again like a river into the collective unconscious." I have faith in us, the people, changing the world little by little, making it a better place for the future. 
Faith can take many forms and mean different things during our lifes, but in a way it keeps us alive. Without it, there's nothing to strive for, nothing to long for. 
I wish for us to keep in contact, and we definitely have to arrange something to meet in person! My weeks would start to feel empty empty without our video calls and chats. 
Thank you for being open and honest with me, those are qualities that are becoming very difficult to find.